Fanny Davenport’s Advice to Young Women Who Aspire to Be Actresses
“No doubt the stage offers greater opportunities to young woman of ambition and talent than any other occupation open to their endeavors,” said Fanny Davenport recently to a girl who, like hundreds of her sex, has asked the actress the stereotyped question, “What do you think about a woman studying to become an actress?” “But,” continued Miss Davenport, “no doubt the trials, troubles and disappointments are greater. In addition to ability, you must have pluck, perseverance and a nature in which pessimism is unknown. Then, to crown all, good health is an absolute requisite, for the public have but little sympathy, or even interest in the artist who is obliged to be out of the bill because she is ill. What are you doing now?”
The applicant said she was a writer, but she had never been very successful, although several of her articles had appeared in prominent magazines. She was almost discouraged.
“My dear little woman,” said Miss Davenport, “you say you are a writer and feel discouraged. Now, do you know what—well, what Sardou went through before he became famous? I’ll tell you.
The San Francisco Call 3/14/1897: 25. Print.