DUXBURY, Mass., Sept. 26—Fanny Davenport (Mrs. Melbourne McDowell) died at her summer home, Melbourne Hall, at half-past 10 o’clock to-night of enlargement of the heart.
Miss Davenport had never fully recovered from her severe illness in the summer, but up to a week ago it was thought that she would in time enjoy good health again. A few days ago, however, a change was noticed. Since then she has been gradually sinking, and to-day it was announced that death was only a question of a few hours. Her three sisters had already been notified, and with her husband, were with her when she peacefully passed away. Her brother-in-law, William Seymour, was notified yesterday of her condition and is on his way here. He will make the funeral arrangements.
Fanny Lily Gipsy Davenport was born in London, April 10, 1850. She was the daughter of Edward L. Davenport the actor. Fanny Davenport made her first appearance at the Howard Atheneum in Boston as a child in “Metamora”; appeared in New York as the King of Spain in “Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady” on February 14, 1862, at Niblo’s Garden; played in Boston and Philadelphia, and under the management of Augustin Daly at the Fifth Avenue Theater, New York, in 1869, she personated a large number of different characters [. . .]
The San Francisco Call 9/27/1898: 3. Print.