Fanny Davenport (Mrs. Melbourne McDowell) died at her summer home, Melbourne hall, at 10:30 o’clock last night of enlargement of the heart. Miss Davenport had never fully recovered from her severe illness early in the summer, but up to a week ago it was thought she would in time enjoy good health. A few days ago, however, a change was noticed. Since then she had gradually sinking. Her three sisters and her husband were at her bedside when she peacefully passed away.
Fanny Davenport (Mrs. Melbourne McDowell) was born in London April 10, 1850. Her father was Edward Loomis Davenport, known as one of the most famous actors of his day. Her mother was Fanny Elizabeth Vining, an actress.
Fanny Davenport was educated in the public schools of Boston and made her first appearance at the Howard Athenaeum as the child in “Metamora.” She played in a number of plays then prominent, and attracted the attention of Augustin Daly, who introduced her in New York at his Fifth Avenue theatre in 1860. There she played Lady Gay Spanker in “London Assurance,” Rosalind in “As You Like It,” Nancy Sykes in “Oliver Twist,” and Mabel Renfrew in “Pique,” a play in which she won great success.
She has made starring tours throughout the United States, frequently adding new parts to those already played. Then she presented from time to time some of the modern dramas of Dumas, and in 1883 began a series of Sardou’s plays, which made her famous. “Fedora” was brought out, and in this and later productions she displayed her wonderful skill as a stage manager.
The Red Cloud Chief 9/30/1898: 6. Print.