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Dutton, Dollie

This little lady, about as tall as a column of this paper, gave her first levee here yesterday, and continues them at the Melodeon this afternoon and evening. She is very, very small and pretty, and is just what the bills represent her to be. She sings in a clear, distinct, voice, promenades the aisles, stands on the extended hand of her father, and the ladies are more than pleased with her. Nearly everyone will attend her levees, which are given every afternoon and evening at 3 and 7 ½ o’clock.

WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MONEY.—We are requested by Alberto Norton, Manager of Dollie Dutton, to State that Western and Southern money will be received at par for tickets to Dollie Dutton’s Levees, as he believes it will be good after the recent excitement with regard to the stocks of Southern States has blown over.

Cleveland Morning Leader 11/21/1860. Print.

Dutton, Cleveland Morning Leader, 11/21/1860