This unapproachable intellectual Prodigy and Musical Phenomenon, is now in our city, sojourning for a few days, with his suite, at Woodbury’s Hotel, Fulton street, after a brilliant and most successful tour through the South and West. We understand that he is shortly to proceed to England and the European Continent, with a view to exhibit to the people of the Old World something of the materiel “Young America” is made of, especially in the line of his profession—as a Drummer, a very champion in the use of the sticks—himself his only parallel among all, whether veterans or otherwise, who ever conjured soul-stirring music from the head of a Drum. It can scarcely be possible that he will leave New York before giving a series of his incomparably delightful entertainments. In the hands of a judicious management, he would not only prove a “card” of most enthusiastic interest, but one that would “pay” largely to himself and all interested in the recherchees soirees. [sic] Where’s Barnum? What are our other energetic managers and capitalists about, that they do not at once secure this more than California gold mine, in the genius of the Little Drummer, by speedily introducing him to our metropolitan people.