The proprietor respectfully announces to the public of New York, and its vicinity, that he has entered into an engagement, for a limited number of nights, with the celebrated RAVEL FAMILY.
The following eminent artists will have the honor of making their first appearance in America:–CHARLES WINTHER, Mons. MONTAURIOL, Mons. FERIN, Mad. FERIN, Mons. DOUTREVILLE—
And the wonderful LAPLAND DWARFS—Mons. CARLO, Mad’lle CAROLINA.
The performances will commence at half past seven precisely, with elegant and daring feats on THE TIGHT ROPE!
After which a new Vaudeville, entitled HORTENSE; Or, Encore Une Commedienne! The characters by Mad’lle Carolina and Mons. Carlo, the celebrated Lapland Dwarfs! In the course of the Vaudeville Mad’lle Carolina will sustain four characters!
An intermission of half an hour will be allowed for Refreshments, and the Promenade Musicale in the Grand Saloon.
Previous to the Ballet, Miss JANE SLOMAN will then give her Piano Forte Recitals!
The whole to conclude with the comic Pastoral Pantomime of VOL-AU-VENT, Or, A Night’s Adventures! Characters by the Ravel Family and Company.
Efficient officers will be in attendance to prevent the admission of all improper persons. Tickets Fifty Cents.
New-York Tribune September 20, 1841. Print.