Column 2:
FRONT STREET THEATRE. We visited this theatre last evening, to witness the performance of the celebrated “Ravel Family.” The praise of the “press” of other cities, had led us to expect a rich treat, yet their encomiums fell far short of the gratification we realized from their truly delightful exhibitions. Where all are so meritorious it is hard to particularize, but we must be allowed to speak of the dancing of Mad. Leon Javelli, which has the admiration of the whole audience, and from the applause she received showed she was an artiste of no medium order. Gabriel Ravel in his feats and tricks is certainly astonishing, and far surpasses any one we have seen in his line.—“Le Petite Amour” and others on the tight rope are well deserving of their praise. As this is the last night of their engagement, no one who has not yet seen them should let the opportunity pass.
Column 4:
FRONT STREET THEATRE—Last night of the Ravel Family. This place of amusement has been crowded to excess for the last three nights to witness the performances of the extraordinary Ravel Family. They have been received, as they deserved, by the most elite and fashionable audiences. This being the last evening of their engagement, they will appear in their most favorite parts. They will give a correct representation of the Bedouin Arabs; appear upon the tight rope and perform their new play, called “The Wood Cutters.” Madame Javelli, the principal dancer of the troupe, is one of the most accomplished artists that we have seen sine the days of Fanny Ellsler. The applause she is received with on appearance, we have seldom seen equaled. Go and see them, and go early, or we can’t promise you a seat.
American Republican and Baltimore Daily Clipper October 17, 1846. Print.
(Baltimore, MD)