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St. Clair, Sallie

THEATER.—Mr. Charles Barras and Miss Sallie St. Clair will begin a short engagement at the Academy this evening, in the amusing comedy written by Mr. Barras and entitled “The Hypochondriac.” The Protean farce of the “Manager’s Daughter” will follow, with Miss St. Clair in six different characters. They drew crowded houses during their engagement here last spring and no doubt will now.



John Ellsler……Manager

Grand combined attraction—Two brilliant stars!

First night of the versatile and accomplished Artiste, Miss SALLIE ST. CLAIR, and the Great Eccentric Comedian and Dramatist, Mr. CHARLES BARRAS, whose engagement here last Season was attended with the most Triumphant Success!

this Monday Evening, Sept. 22d, the Performance will commence with the famous and original Side-Splitting Comedy, by Charles Barras, received everywhere with the most tumultuous applause, entitled THE HYPOCHONDRIAC

Mr. Vertigo Morbid……Mr. Chas. Barras

Martha Snifkins……Miss Sallie St. Clair.

FANCY DANCE by Matilda Hughes.

To conclude with the laughable Protean Farce written expressly for Miss Sallie St. Clair entitled THE YOUNG ACTRESS. In which Miss ST. Clair will sustain Five Characters.

Cleveland Morning Leader, September 22, 1862

Article PDF, column 1 (near bottom), column 4 (top)