“THE POETRY OF MOTION.”—A writer in the Dabuque Tribune gets off the following opinions relative to Sally St. Clair, a dancing woman who is exhibiting her fair proportions and astounding feats to the enraptured Dubuqueers at fifty cents ahead.
“Her voluptuous form is the fittest setting for her diamond soul.” “Inspiration quivers down her snow white arms, and trembles on her finger ends; passion wrestles in her shivering knees, and shudders through her fainting limbs. “Her soul flickers in every accent and looms up in every pantomime.”
This is constructed on the New York models just now in vogue. The Sandusky Register commends the extracts quoted to the critics of the Tribune and Times, as specimens of what the West can do, and as an earnest of what she would do should Rachel ever come hitherward.
Wheeling Daily Intelligencer, October 3, 1855