ELLSLER’S ATHENEUM.—The first appearance this season of Miss Sallie St. Clair at the Atheneum last night in her vivid impersonation of that great historical poisoner, Lucretia Borgia, was greeted by one of the largest audiences ever gathered in our theater. The building was literally packed full in every part. Miss St. Clair went through her difficult and yet life-like representation of the famous and infamous Lucretia Borgia with a skill and power that held the large audience spell-bound. The other characters in this popular and thrilling drama were well sustained. The comedy of “Peggy Green” followed—Mrs. Ellsler played “Peggy” with that vivacity and ready appreciation of character for which she is noted. It was a very pleasing afterpiece and produced a fund of merriment.
To-night that famous military drama of the “French Spy” will be produced at the Atheneum, in which Miss St. Clair will represent the three different characters in which the Spy appears. The other personages in the play will be most fitly represented. The amusing farce of “Ici On Parle Francois” (Here They Speak French) will follow, with Mr. James Lewis as Mr. Sprigins. It is a fine bill and will no doubt command a full house.
John Ellsler, — Manager
Jas. Dickson, —Stage Manager
- Bush, — Treasurer.
The most Eminent and Versatile Actress of the present age. She will appear tonight in three characters—Fight her celebrated Broad Sword Combat, and dance the WILD ARAB DANCE!
Will be presented, with all the original music, combats, tableaux, &c., the grand military Drama of the FRENCH SPY.
Henri St. Alme, Hamet, Matilda De Marie…Miss Sallie St. Clair
Col. Bernelle, Mr. J. C. McCollom; Mohammed, Mr. Colin Stuart Toney Bavard, Mr. James Lewis; Sergeant Duborg, Mr. John Ellsler; Ali Pacha, Mr. J.W. Carroll; Marie, Miss Blanche Bradshaw, &c.
To conclude with the Farce called Ici On Parle Francois.
Mr. Spriggins, Mr. James Lewis; Victor Dubois, Mr. Colin Stewart, &c. &c. &c.
In active rehearsal, the great sensational Drama of AURORA FLOYD.
Daily Ohio Statesman February 02, 1864