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St. Clair, Sallie

The Theatres Last Night.


Whatever effect the “crisis” may have had on other places of amusement, the Bowery is doing a swimming business. Last night over 2,500 persons were comfortably seated in this popular theatre, and from the continuous plaudits we may justly assume the performance of “Virginius” and “Jack Sheppard” was all that it should be. This unprecedented success may in a great measure be attributed to Mr. Eddy, who, as manager and actor, is winning “golden opinions” from all classes. Miss Sallie St. Clair, the “bright particular star,” possesses much navetïe, and did ample justice to the characters she represented. She has good “points,” makes up capitally, and has a fascinating mannerism which never fails to go down with the audience. To-night there is a great bill, and the usual overflowing house will be the result.

New York Herald, November 3, 1857

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