THE same gorgeous and meritorious organization, which lately performed with such unusual success at Niblo’s Garden, N.Y., and Welch’s National, Philadelphia, will exhibit at Hillsboro, Tuesday Sept. 7. The whole under the supervision of DAN RICE.
Special card from the Manager of Publications.
The agents of the great show being fully aware of the great interest entertained by the people of the West for Dan Rice, and at the same time cognizant of the fact that they want but to be assured that DAN WILL APPEAR,
In order to ensure a triumphal reception for him, they avail themselves of the only vehicle for imparting the news, and announce PROUDLY AND PUBLICLY, that on the date above mentioned he will forthcoming—with his SPLENDID RETINUE OF BLOODED HORSES & EDUCATED ANIMALS
AND A COMPANY OF ARTISTES Of superior merit and well earned reputation. The Agents knowing, at the same time, that in this locality quite a number of Exhibitions of various grades and character are advertised, and that fertile fancies have given birth to the most extravagant promises, whilst a spirit of gasconade, would QUIETLY REMARK THAT
The Great Show Posses 7 features which can be seen in no other exhibition in the world. 1st. the only Elephant which can, does, and will walk a tight rope.
2d. the largest Rhinoceros ever captured. The only one in America, and the first and only one in the world ever tamed. He will be let loose in the Ring.
3d. the only pair of Camin Mules.
4th. The only Waltzing Camel.
5th. The only Talking Horse—the original “one” horse circus “Excelsior,” the beautiful dappled Grey Eagle, whose intelligence so impressed them who saw him in New York, that he was styled THE ANIMAL WITH A SOUL.
5th. The only Female Horse Tamer. Mrs. Libbin Showles, who will introduce the Wild Mexican Mustang. EUREKA.
7th. And the only really entertaining man, who wears the motley, DAN RICE, the CONVERSATIONALIST & HUMORIST
we also claim to be a complete formation, not a troupe divided into fractions, with one set of Performers, with two sets of Names, but a union of NOVELTY, ORIGINALITY AND ATTRACTION:
the combined elements of which constitute THE GREAT SHOW!
This Show fulfills its Promise and performs all it Advertises.
We also feel warranted in asserting that the Finest Managed Horses in the World are included in our stables; and also that we have the most modest, chaste and accomplished Equestrienne in America.
MRS. SALLIE STICKNEY, who is accomplished by her father, S. P. Stickney, the Veteran equestrian. Mr. H. F. Rosston.
The champion Horseman will appear as a Standard Star.
The regular Company consists of MRS. DAN RICE.
Mrs. L Showles, Miss Emille
Miss Kate, Little Emma
Dr. J. L. Thayer, The Clown & Comedian
Mr. Jacob Showles, The Grotesque
Master Ches. Reed, Mr. Charles Noyue,
Master S. Stickney, Master F. Bazelay,
Mr. J. C. Clark, Mr. S. Carter,
Master Robert, Mr. Moray, AND DAN RICE.
The immense caravan, consisting of EIGHTY PEOPLE AND 100 HORSES, will make an exposition parade on the morning of the exhibition day, when the 20 HORSE BAND CARRIAGE, continuing Canham’s Brass and String Band, will be driven by the best reinman in America.
Doors open at 1 and 7 o’clock. Performances will commence at 2 and 8 o’clock.
ADMISSION—Boxes 50 cents. Pit 25 cts. Children to Boxes 25 cents. No half price to Pit. C. H. CASTLE, Agent.
REMEMBER DAN RICE’S GREAT SHOW! Will exhibit at Winchester, Monday, Sept. 6; Greenfield, Wednesday, Sept. 8; Cinllicathe, Thursday, Sept. 9.
The Highland Weekly News September 02, 1858