Little Lola was so well received on the 4th at the National as Little Nelly, in “The Old Curiosity Shop,” as previously announced by us, that she continues through the present week, and appeared on the 8th as Little Ella, in “Three Scenes of a Life” as is quite a big little card for Miss … Continue reading Little Lola
La Roix
G.N. Eldred’s Great Rotunda Menagerie and Circus Company are now “coming home” from Mexico through Texas, and were at Marshall, Texas, on the 8th June….Among the little prodigies are Masters Saunders, Eugene De Lorme, La Roix, and Little Harry. New York Clipper 2 July 1859: 86. Print.
Lee, (Little) Carrie
Little Carrie Lee is the name given to a little girl who plays Eva in “Happy Uncle Tom; or, Hearts and Homes,” in Chicago. She is seven years of age, and made her first appearance on any stage on the 18th of February. New York Clipper 5 March 1859: 367. Print
Little Fiske
“Our guess that “Little Fiske” would join his old chum, J. W. Lanargan, has “turned UP” correct, and they open at St. John, N. B. on the 11th. New York Clipper 2 July 1859: 86. Print.
Little Harry
G.N. Eldred’s Great Rotunda Menagerie and Circus Company are now “coming home” from Mexico through Texas, and were at Marshall, Texas, on the 8th June….Among the little prodigies are Masters Saunders, Eugene De Lorme, La Roix, and Little Harry. New York Clipper 2 July 1859: 86. Print.
Little Patti
Little Patti made a “big go” of it, on the occasion of her debut at the Academy of Music on the 24th ult. The critics—oyster house, square-toed, hungry, and all—seem for once to stand together on one common platform concerning the merits of the debutante. Her success was unequivocal. She was pelted with bouquets…applauded, bravoed, … Continue reading Little Patti
Little Arthur
The Bryant Minstrels have produced several laughable novelties of late, prominent among which is a capital burlesque of the Italian Opera….Little Arthur is a very clever juvenile music-cardo, and his shrill voice is heard high above the din of the terrific finale. Henrietta Lang and Little Marie Boniface give the interlude dances on Saturday afternoon … Continue reading Little Arthur
Little Josephine
Senor G. Chiarini arrived here last week in the Granada, from Havana; he is on the lookout for novelties for his Circus Company there. Josephine, “little Josephine” when we knew her, remains in Havana. New York Clipper 8 October 1859: 198. Print
Little Drummer
This unapproachable intellectual Prodigy and Musical Phenomenon, is now in our city, sojourning for a few days, with his suite, at Woodbury’s Hotel, Fulton street, after a brilliant and most successful tour through the South and West. We understand that he is shortly to proceed to England and the European Continent, with a view to … Continue reading Little Drummer
Little Etta
“Walking-cane fathers” and “heavy mothers” are frequently advertised for by theatrical managers; but, according to some recent Albany legislation, they are more likely to be in demand than ever. We have often previously expressed our sentiments upon the absurd and tyrannical enactment requiring minors to be attended by a parent or guardian whenever visiting any … Continue reading Little Etta