Reed, Julian (Master)

The new play which Roland Reed will feature this season is called “The Politician.” It is, of course, a roaring comedy and written by David Lloyd and Sydney Rosenfield. The inimitable Reed plays a character called General Josiah Limber, and for support will have again his famous leading lady, Miss Isadora Rush (famous for her … Continue reading Reed, Julian (Master)

Reed, Julian (Master)

ROLAND REED’S PLAYS. He Presents “Lend me Your Wife” to a larger audience. At the Opera House last night Mr. Roland Reed and one of the best comedy companies seen here for many a day, appeared before a crowded house in “Lend me Your Wife.” It was an inclement night, and the presence of so … Continue reading Reed, Julian (Master)

Reed, Julian (Master)

On the occasion of his coming appearance here Roland Reed will present for the first time in Wheeling “The Club Friend.” The play runs along smoothly, swiftly and interestingly, and there is a great deal in the matter that must please the intelligent listener apart from the interest in the characters or story. Incidentally the … Continue reading Reed, Julian (Master)

Reed, Julian (Master)

AMUSEMENTS. Roland Reed in Familiar Comedy—“Kajanka” Redecorated—General Theatrical Matters. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. The popular comedian, Roland Reed, will begin a brief engagement at the Grand Opera House this evening, appearing as Samuel Bundy in the late David Damarest Lloyd’s successful comedy, “The Woman Hater.” Mr. Reed’s business elsewhere this season has been very large. He … Continue reading Reed, Julian (Master)

Reed, Julian (Master)

AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC—Mr. Roland Reed, the popular comedian, made his first appearance this season at the Academy last night to a full house. He appeared in “Humbug,” the farce comedy written for him by Fred Marsdeu, which was given with the following cast: Jack Luster, a humbug…Roland Reed Ned Rumsey…E.T. Weber Mr. Jackson Luster…Ferd … Continue reading Reed, Julian (Master)

Reed, Julian (Master)

“BURR OAKS” AT THE NATIONAL. The picturesque melodrama “Burr Oaks” was played at the National Theatre last evening, and was witnessed by a large and well-satisfied audience. During the course of the play suggestions of “The Silver King” and other melodramas crop out, but while not particularly original in plot, “Burr Oaks” is put together … Continue reading Reed, Julian (Master)

Reed, Julian (Master)

THE LOCAL STAGE. (…) Commencing Monday evening and continuing during the week, “The Romany Rye” will occupy the boards at the Opera house. “The Romany Rye,” after two years of success at the Princess theater in London, and the same period in this country, will be produced at the Opera house to-morrow night, for one … Continue reading Reed, Julian (Master)

Reed, Julian (Master)

THE DRAMA. BOOTH’S THEATER—MR. JEFFERSON’S REAPPEARANCE. Mr. Jefferson appeared at Booth’s Theater last night—returning to this stage after a considerable absence—and acted Rip Van Winkle. Two thousand persons, at the least, were in the house; and their honest and vigorous applause, upon the comedian’s first entrance and at familiar points in the course of the … Continue reading Reed, Julian (Master)

Reed, Julian (Master)

Master Julian Reed, the child wonder, will appear to-morrow night at the Memphis Theater in the play of Little Pickle. His acting has been highly commended by the press of other cities. Public Ledger (Memphis, TN) February 15, 1871.                                   … Continue reading Reed, Julian (Master)

Reed, Julian (Master)

PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. The theatres are all in full blast. Brougham’s last—“The Lottery of Life,” at Wallack’s—has, contrary to lotteries in general, furnished all prizes; the investants in seats receive in enjoyment far more than the amount of “stamps” paid; while the proprietors reap a rich harvest, as the house is filled to overflowing nightly. … Continue reading Reed, Julian (Master)

Reed, Julian (Master)

AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—This evening Miss Charlotte will conclude one of the most brilliant engagements of the season. Every night the theatre has been crowded to its utmost capacity with fashionable and appreciative audiences. Her benefit last evening drew an immense concourse of people. For her farewell performance an attractive bill is presented, viz: the … Continue reading Reed, Julian (Master)

Ravel Family

A CARD FROM GABRIEL RAVEL.—Mr. Editor: The unauthorized assumption of the Ravel family title for the purpose of dignifying in the popular esteem entertainments intrinsically mean and worthless is, unfortunately, of too frequent recurrence to challenge, ordinarily, a protest from myself or any other member of the Ravel family, the more especially as that we … Continue reading Ravel Family

Ravel Family

…The Ravel family bid farewell to the New York stage on Saturday night of this week. Jerome and Antoine are going home to France. Francois and the rest of the family, including the Russian dancer, Mad’lle Yrea Mathias, will keep together for some time to come. They go to New Orleans to fulfill a short … Continue reading Ravel Family

Ravel Family

The Ravel Family and corps de ballet arrived at Havana in the Empire City, and had commenced an engagement at the Theatre de Tacon, for one month, when they were to leave for New Orleans. The Daily Dispatch January 29, 1852. Print.

Rousset Family

INJUNCTION. –The Ravel Family against William Niblo. –William Niblo engaged the Ravel Family to play at his Garden during the Summer and Fall of 1851, to play three nights a week, and during their engagement W. N. was not, on the other three nights of the week, to have any ballets, pantomimes, or anything connected … Continue reading Rousset Family

Ravel Family

INJUNCTION. –The Ravel Family against William Niblo. –William Niblo engaged the Ravel Family to play at his Garden during the Summer and Fall of 1851, to play three nights a week, and during their engagement W. N. was not, on the other three nights of the week, to have any ballets, pantomimes, or anything connected … Continue reading Ravel Family

Ravel Family

NIBLO’S GARDEN.—Doors open at 6 ½ –to commence at 7 ½ o’clock.—Tickets 50 cents to all parts of the Saloon—Private Boxes, $5. Manager…Mr. JOHN SEFTON THE WONDERFUL RAVEL FAMILY. FRIDAY EVENING, Nov. 22, the performances to commence with the evolutions on THE TIGHT ROPE. After which the popular Dance of LA RONDELLA. To be followed … Continue reading Ravel Family

Ravel Family

AMUSEMENTS. NIBLO’S GARDEN Tickets 20 cents to all parts of the saloon. Private boxes $5. Doors open at 7 ½ to commence at 8 o’clock. Manager, Mr. John Sefton. Second week of the short season of the RAVEL FAMILY, 22 in number, who will appear in new entertainments during their short season in New York. … Continue reading Ravel Family

Ravel Family

Column 2: FRONT STREET THEATRE. We visited this theatre last evening, to witness the performance of the celebrated “Ravel Family.” The praise of the “press” of other cities, had led us to expect a rich treat, yet their encomiums fell far short of the gratification we realized from their truly delightful exhibitions. Where all are … Continue reading Ravel Family

Ravel Family

AMUSEMENTS. FRONT STREET THEATRE. E. BURTON respectfully informs his patrons and friends, that he has engaged, for four nights only. THE RAVEL FAMILY, whose extraordinary popularity attracted crowded houses at Niblo’s Garden for many seasons, until burned out by the recent destructive conflagration. Theses wonderful artistes, fifteen in number, consist of Gabriel Ravel, Antoine Ravel, … Continue reading Ravel Family

Ravel Family

THE DESTRUCTION OF NIBLO’S—Heavy Loss of the Ravel Family. We stated on Saturday that the whole of Niblo’s Garden in N. York, was consumed by fire on Friday morning. The correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer says: When the fire was first discovered, the bar-keeper, who lived near the premises, rushed in to put it out, … Continue reading Ravel Family

Ravel Family

THE RAVEL FAMILY. –The Ravels, who have so long entertained our worthy citizens, have at length taken their departure. Gabriel, Jerome and Antoine, with their families, sailed on Monday in the Burgundy for Havre, to visit their father and grandfather have both acquired fortunes in the same business that is now raining wealth on the … Continue reading Ravel Family

Ravel Family

“Amusements in the City”  NIBLO has made great preparations. The Ravel Family have returned, and will appear in some of their best entertainments. Mr. Edge, the pyrotechnist of the garden, has prepared a splendid display of Fireworks for the evening. At this establishment there will be no postponement of the performances should the weather prove … Continue reading Ravel Family

Ravel Family

NIBLO’S GARDEN. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION:–THIS EVENING, Sept. 20th, 1841. The proprietor respectfully announces to the public of New York, and its vicinity, that he has entered into an engagement, for a limited number of nights, with the celebrated RAVEL FAMILY. The following eminent artists will have the honor of making their first appearance in America:–CHARLES WINTHER, … Continue reading Ravel Family

Ravel Family

St. Charles Theatre 2nd night of the RAVEL FAMILY. This Evening, February 4, will be performed the celebrated Opera of THE WATERMAN. Tom Tug, Mr. Plumer Robin, Cowel Bundle, Mrs Plumer An Overture by the Orchestra Grand Pas Seul by Mad’le Ravenot After which the popular petite Comedy of MY YOUNG WIFE & MY OLD … Continue reading Ravel Family

Reed, Julian (Master)

Page 3, column 2 (2/3 down) At the usual matinee, on Saturday, Miss Rosalie Jack will appear as “Little Nell, the Angel Child.” Also the young phenomenon, Master Julian Reed, as “Little Pickle.”   Column 4, (2/3 down) Amusements. MEMPHIS THEATER.—Shakespeare’s Merry Wives of Windsor was presented last night, with Mr. Jack in the great … Continue reading Reed, Julian (Master)

Reed, Julian (Master)

The Merry Wives of Windsor, with J. H. Jack in his inimitable performance of “Falstaff,” and the young phenomenon, Julian Reed, in the farce of Little Pickle, at the theater to-night. AMUSEMENT. MEMPHIS THEATER. Spalding, Bidwell & MacDonough, Prop’rs. Short…Treasurer. Engagement for six nights only and Saturday matinee, commencing Monday, February 13. Mr. J. H. … Continue reading Reed, Julian (Master)

Reed, Julian (Master)

To-morrow night, in addition to the attractive and sterling performance of Mr. Jack, at the Theater, the young phenomenon, Master Julian Reed, will appear in his wonderful role of characters in imitation of the leading American and European stage celebrities. Public Ledger February 14, 1871. Print. (Memphis, TN) Article PDF, column 3 (one quarter down)

Reed, Julian

THEATRE COMIQUE, SEVENTH STREET, BELOW ARCH THIS EVENING, COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT OF KATIE BAKER, She will appear in her own Drama of LITTLE SNOW BIRD. E. HARLAND in his champion Skating Scene. The beautiful ROSALIE JACK in her charming character of LITTLE NELL’S, with song, “LITTLE NELL’S APPEAL” The American prodigy, Master JULIAN REED, in his … Continue reading Reed, Julian

Robinson, James (Master)

Circus is coming. The reader will see that the superb and extensive Circus, Hippodrome, &c., of Messrs. Robinson & Eldred is on its way to this place, and that on Monday week next they will exhibit one of their splendid Entertainments at Rocky Mount, and here on Tuesday. They are unremitting in their efforts to … Continue reading Robinson, James (Master)

Robinson, James (Master)

THE SOUTHERN CIRCUS. ROBINSON & ELDRED, PROPRIETORS. WILL EXHIBIT IN RICHMOND. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, 18th, 19th and 20th of November. ADMISSION—50 cents, children and servants half price. The Proprietors of the Southern Circus have much pleasure and confidence in presenting their Company as it now stands to the Richmond public. Since they visited this … Continue reading Robinson, James (Master)